Department Of Nephrology

Dr. M Vinod Babu

MD, DM, MRCP, SCE Nephro (UK)
Nephrologist & Transplant Physician

The Department of Nephrology at KHIMS Hospitals comprises state-of-the-art technology and offers highly advanced and comprehensive solutions to complex surgical

Diseases of the kidney and the urinary tract are usually chronic disorders needing individualized patient care and the appropriate management requires utmost dedication from the treating doctor. Nephrology as a clinical specialty has the unique ability to give the opportunity of life to its patients even though their kidneys are entirely damaged. Indeed, end-stage renal disease (ESRD) patients can live by means of renal replacement therapy (RRT), although the quality of this life is not without problems, due mainly to cardiovascular and bone disorders. Technological progress and optimal performance of RRT (Hemodialysis and Peritoneal Dialysis), as well as renal transplantation, already offer new perspectives and essential improvement in this field of medicine.

Standards of Treatment

We provide standard treatment and latest medical technology with best facility in our clinic.

We Stands For

We stands for the influx of quality, expertise, technical edge, international standards and affordable care,